
Foundational reading & Norani qaida course

About the course

Foundational reading course
In this course  you will learn the Quran reading basics or what we call it qur’anic Arabic which indented to teach those who want to read and memorize Quran but don’t know the arabic language, this course will give you the ability and the skills that will make you able to read arabic letters, words and sentences so you can read Quran verses easily and perfectly. 
 This course is best for all beginners both adults and children, as it provides a fun and exciting atmosphere to learn Qur’an. It is also suitable for children ages 5 and up, as students will learn to recite with accuracy and preciseness. Get your children started with the proven Noor Al Bayan & Noorani Qaida methodology to learn how to read Arabic and recite the Holy Quran confidently in a short period of time.

Why taking this course ?

Qaida Noorania Online or quranic Arabic Online is a basic course for all who want to learn to read Quran from the very beginning. This short course has all the important lessons for the correct recitation of the Holy Quran.

If this is your first time to learn Arabic, and you want to learn it to be able to read Quran, then this is the most suitable course for you because this course is mainly for beginners. By the end of this course, students will be able to read the Quran correctly. They first practice reading a lot of examples and verses chosen from Quran, and then they move to the Holy Quran Book and start reading Quran till they perfect reading, then they move to the next step which is Reading Quran with Tajweed.


What will you learn in this course

  • Identify Arabic alphabet 
  • How letters join together to form a word 
  • Short vowels ( Arabic movements)
  • long vowels ( Arabic elongations) 
  • How to stop on words 
  • Shaddah & Tanween 
  • joining words to build a sentence 
  • Practicing in syllable technique 
  •  Introduction to Quran Recitation 

Books used in this course

Education for the Soul

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